The Ultimate Face Off: Eye Cream or An Eye Lift

Skincare has come a long way since when your parents or grandparents remember. It used to be that the only way for you to get rid of the bags under your eyes would be to apply some hemorrhoid cream before bed and then call it good. Nowadays, however, it seems like virtually every skincare brand… Read More »

When to Consider Getting a Mole Removed

Having freckles or moles on an inconspicuous part of your body is one thing, but having a mole somewhere such as your face or neck is another. Luckily, here at Skin & Laser Surgery Center, we can remove moles with cryotherapy, laser, or our unique laser technology called DermaSculpt. But, unless you are a skincare… Read More »

Eat Smart: The Art of SmartByte

If you are practically counting how many situps you’ve done and how many calories you’ve eaten even in your sleep, it may be time to get some help with your weight loss routine. Sometimes, diet and exercise alone aren’t effective at helping individuals lose or keep weight off. Luckily, here at Skin & Laser Surgery… Read More »

Makeup on the Mind: 3 Tips for Those With Acne Prone Skin

With big-time celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian starting their makeup lines, it’s fair to say that there has been no better time than now to hop on the makeup wagon. If, however, you suffer from oily skin or acne, it’s important that you baby your skin and are mindful of exactly what you’re… Read More »

3 Things to Know About Tattoo Removal

When you look back on your teenage years or college, there is likely a long list of things you regret including the person you date, the major you chose in college, and yes, even that tattoo that’s continually reminding you of your bad choices. Luckily, here at Skin & Laser Surgery Center, we can perform… Read More »

How to Spot an Abnormal Mole

Checking your body for skin growths and abnormalities requires a lot more work than checking yourself out in the mirror— although, admittedly, a lot less fun and flattering. However, because you are the person who is most familiar with your body, it’s important that you do this at least a couple of times per month.… Read More »