3 Ways to Have Your Best Skin Yet In 2018
Whether you have yet to make your New Year’s resolutions or if your list is already a mile long, make 2018 your best year yet by making a resolution to add these three things to your skincare routine. Not only will you have tighter, more youthful skin, but you’ll also have the confidence to show it off.
Fillers are popular amongst our patients at Skin & Laser Surgery Center for a variety of different reasons including for their ability to fill in fine lines and wrinkles, add volume and contour to the cheeks and face, and even add some volume to your lips as well. Plus, because the results from fillers are instant, you can come into our office today and be ready to show them off off to your friends and family tomorrow.
If you are new to the Botox phenomenon, then 2018 is the perfect year to give it a try. Unlike dermal fillers that actually fill in your fine lines and wrinkles, Botox works entirely different. IN fact, when injected into the muscles around the eyes and forehead, Botox temporarily blocks the nerves in the muscles which results in your muscles temporarily relaxing— leaving you with a smoother complexion.
Unless you have been living your life under a rock or if you were smart enough in your youth to wear sunscreen every day, you likely have a few sun spots to show for your days spent in the sun. One of the treatments that we offer patients to help get rid of sun and age spots is a laser system called DermaSculpt. This treatment uses a very small laser to remove minute growths without causing any damage to the surrounding skin in the process.
If you want 2018 to be the year where you feel the most confident about your age and the skin you’re in, then contact one of our offices today!