Why Nobody Has to Know About Your Vaginal Rejuvenation
One of the most popular procedures that we offer here at our office is vaginal rejuvenation. During vaginal rejuvenation, we use our Ultra Femme 360 laser to heat up the cells inside of the vaginal wall, which in turn, helps patients with both sexual gratification and urinary incontinence. But, because vaginal rejuvenation may not be something you want anybody to know about, we are happy to say that nobody has to. Let’s take a closer look at how your procedure can be our little secret.
There’s no Scarring
Because vaginal rejuvenation uses a laser probe to heat the cells, there are no incisions or surgeries required, which means that you won’t have any scarring. And when there is no scarring, nobody will ever have to know that you got it done.
There’s no recovery
When you are at home recovering for weeks from a procedure, it can be hard to keep it a secret. With vaginal rejuvenation, you don’t have to worry about any recovery or downtime at all. In fact, you can go to your regular exercise class the night after, you can go back to work, or you can do just about anything. The only thing that we encourage patients to avoid for about a week is sexual intercourse or using tampons because your vaginal tissues will be healing at this point.
The Procedure Is Fast
Time is of the essence, and we now that. Each vaginal rejuvenation treatment only takes about 30 minutes up to an hour, which makes it one of those treatments that you can get done on your lunch break if your schedule permits. Typically, we will have you space each session just a few weeks apart, so make sure that you plan for that.
Vaginal rejuvenation is something that can give your life a whole new meaning without anyone ever knowing about it (unless you want them to, of course). If you want to learn more about this procedure, contact our office and call (603) 886-5506.