FAQs About Kybella

Kybella FAQs | Skin & Laser Surgery Center It used to be that the only way for someone to get the skin and body of their dreams was to undergo surgery. However, nowadays laser and injectables can give you similar results without you ever having to go under the knife. One of the most popular non -invasive procedures that we offer here at Skin & Laser Surgery Center is called Kybella. As in injectable that’s designed to target fat underneath the chin, Kybella can do wonders. To help you decide whether or not Kybella is for you, we have created a list answering some commonly asked questions.

What Else Does It Target?

One of the things that many of our patients ask is, “If it can be used on the area under their chin, what else can it be used for?” Unfortunately, at this time, Kybella can only be used to treat the area under the chin. If you are concerned about fat elsewhere on your body, talk to us about some of the other procedures that we offer.

Am I a Good Candidate?

During your initial consultation with us, we will be able to better determine whether or not you are a good candidate for Kybella. However, on average, patients who are good candidates:

  • Are unhappy about the appearance or fat under their chin.
  • Surgery is an option they would like to avoid.
  • Despite healthy eating and exercise practices, this submental fullness remains.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The amount of treatments that you will need varies from patient to patient. On average, patients need 3-4 treatment total that are spaced about a month apart. During your initial consultation, we will be able to give you a better idea of just how many treatments you may need.


As you can see, there are many unique benefits of Kybella. If you want to learn more about this non-invasive treatment, contact us at our Nashua office today and give us a call at (603) 886-5506.