Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Skin & Laser Surgery Center wanted to take the time to let you know how we are responding to the Coronavirus or COVID-19 situation.
To our valued patients,
The ongoing outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused much concern both in our local communities and around the world. We at The Skin & Laser Surgery Center wanted to take the time to let you know how we are responding to the situation.
First and foremost, the health and safety of our patients and staff is of paramount importance. We are keeping up to date with information from the CDC, the Department of Health, and their respective recommendations. We have always strived to meet and exceed the guidelines for Universal Precautions as set forth by the CDC and OSHA.
These guidelines include:
- Wiping down all surfaces with a disinfectant between patients
- Use of barrier tape on any surface that will be touched/handled
- Sterilization of all instruments after each use
- Use of personal protective equipment including masks, gloves and gowns
- Use of single-use products where appropriate
- Hand-washing/hand sanitizer before and after each patient
In addition, we have been extra diligent in disinfecting surfaces throughout the office including door handles, railings and bathroom areas.
In the interest of the health and safety of our patients and staff, we ask that you please call the office to reschedule your appointment if you meet any of the following criteria:
- If you are experiencing any fever, cough or other flu-like symptoms to please call and reschedule your appointment. It is recommended to wait at least 14 days after symptoms disappear.
- If you have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for the coronavirus or who is presumed to have been exposed to coronavirus
- If you have recently traveled to China, Italy, Japan, Iran, South Korea or any other affected regions
Rest assured our team will get you reappointed in a timely manner.
What We Can Do as a Community
Stay informed. It’s important to process the considerable information we’re all receiving in a balanced and thoughtful way. The CDC provides a comprehensive overview of “What you should Know”
Boost your immune system
It’s important to prioritize our health and well-being, and do all you can to boost your immune system so you’re as healthy as possible, in the event you encounter this virus.
Practice good hygiene
These habits include:
- Wash your hands frequently, and for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water to protect yourself and others from germs.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Keep your hands away from your face, because germs routinely spread when a person touches something contaminated with germs, and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. Lastly, we take your health and well-being very seriously. Thank you for your continued trust in us as one of your healthcare providers.
Dr. Khatri and the team at The Skin & Laser Surgery Center of New England